Thursday, October 27, 2011

My New Studio!

I Have been working on setting up a proper work center/studio in which I can actually get some work done. I will post pics of my studio as soon as everything is organized and under control. Right now, it's not there yet!!! I will also be introducing my YouTube Channel as soon as the studio is complete. Be on the lookout for more posts.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I know what you all are thinking.....

I know, I know. everyone must be thinking if I have returned from Mars yet or not!  Well, the truth is, I have been suffering from tooth pain this whole past month, which is the real reason behind my absence.  I need "TWO" root canals at once. Can I hear an OUCH!  I couldn't believe myself. Well, at least they will be taken care of soon.  I hope everyone is not too disappointed.  There is definitely a special post coming as soon as I get this over with.  Can't wait for it myself.  :)